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A History Full of Impacts

photo courtesy of BBC 

photo courtesy of BBC 

FARC is the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia invaded the lands of the Nukak when they found out the coca land could produce lucrative cocaine trade (Survival International). In the late 1900s, a civil war between the FARC and the Colombian government was stirred, and in this process, both groups fought for the Nukak's land (BBC). It was in 1988 when the first official contact with the Nukak and outsiders were made, which caused the invasion of the FARC, and the Nukak's forced migration to the unfamiliar, outskirts of an urban town Due to all the environmental and cultural changes dealt by the Nukak, they have been suffering greatly from diseases transmitted by these invaders (FARC) and other outsiders. For example, many of the members of the Nukak are infected with flu, malaria, respiratory illnesses, etc.., which are illnesses that they have not encountered before. In addition, the suicide level within the tribe has risen due to the depression many are facing because of their population and culture loss.  Now, less than 50% of the entire tribe remains. 

FARC Invasion
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